Posts Tagged ‘Bruce Springsteen’

Cover of "Bounce"

Cover of Bounce

New York and New Jersey are often referred to as having a neighbor-like relationship – much akin to the neighbor-like relationship between Texas and Louisiana. Therefore, when one suffers, the other suffers too. When New York experienced the horrible attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 – New Jersey suffered too.

One of the greatest bands from the US suffered that day: Bon Jovi. Bon Jovi, along with many other bands and artists (including Bruce Springsteen, Blondie’s Deborah Harry, etc) suffered in a way that was unfathomable to the rest of the nation: it was their backyard that was [literally] on fire. As artists, they did what they felt they should do: write about the events and how it affected them.

On Bon Jovi’s 2003 album, Bounce, this is exactly what Jon, Ritchie and the rest of the group did.

The album’s opener Undivided, directly addresses the attacks with the classic Bon Jovi style of  ‘hit them and hit them immediately where they will feel it.’ Bon Jovi and Sambora waste no time in addressing the attacks and how it affected the people of New Jersey and New York with the opening verse “That was my brother lost in the rubble/ That was my sister lost in the crush/ That was our mothers, those were our children/ That was our fathers, that was each one of us/A million prayers to God above/A million tears make an ocean.”

In fact, many of the songs on Bounce talk about the endurance of the American spirit including songs like The Distance. Other songs such as Everyday and Joey talk about living each day as if it’s the last one. One of the best things about Joey is that Bon Jovi speaks of him as if he’s an old friend from their hometown, which makes the “Joey Keys” character seem more real and tangible.

Other songs such as the Right Side of Wrong and Hook Me Up speak of Bon Jovi’s days as a reckless youth in New Jersey.

Bon Jovi saves the best for [near] last with the album’s title track, Bounce – which is a direct reference to the fact that the US went to war with Afghanistan after 9/11 to catch the perpetrator, Osama Bin Ladin. After it was announced that Bin Ladin was shot dead, people celebrated everywhere from Washington DC, various parts of New York City, various universities around the country. I can picture someone playing this song loudly over their iPhone.

Well done.

Photograph © Scott Newton Weselex Depository ...

Image via Wikipedia

So It has come to the attention of I, the Wild Heart, that yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of the death of legendary blues guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughn. Since I was born, raised, and still reside in the great state of Texas – Stevie is a big deal when it comes to blues music. You could say he is the equivalent of what Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi are to those on the Jersey shore.

However, there’s something about Stevie that makes him a little different than other guitarists. However, it has almost nothing to do with his technique, style or even vocals. It is what he believes. It turns out that later in his life, Vaughn rediscovered the faith of his childhood.

Here is an excerpt from his journal according to

“God…I pray that I be cleansed/washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. Born again. I pray that I may be of use to you as you see fit. Help me that I may do my part. Amen.” ……….”God has been very good to me. He is good to all life. The willingness to try to work on my health is another and I am grateful for this opportunity.” ……….”Altho I can get confused about life and it’s lessons, I can say that I am trying very hard to learn. I can see that I am learning how to care for others and for myself. Slowly sometimes, but surely nevertheless. I can play beautiful music. This is a gift that God has given me and a gift that I do my best to use for good and give it all I have. I am loved by many of God’s children for this, and because it does show that I am trying to grow in this life. God saved me among so many and I must accept that he has a purpose for me. If I am good enough for God, I should be good enough for me. Thank you, God!”

Also here is a sample from “Life Without You.”

“You know, right now, the most important thing in my life is to make sure you understand that first of all, I thank God I’m alive today. And I mean that. You see, I spent too many years of my life thinking that the big party was the whole thing. It took me quite a while to realize that the real deal is to be able to be enough of a person on your own to know when somebody loves you and cares about you. You see, we are here, as far as I can tell, to help each other. Our brothers, our sisters, our friends, our enemies. That’s to help each other, not hurt each other…and sometimes, to help them, we have to help ourself…so that we’ll know that they’re around in the first place.

You see, it’s a big world out there…there’s enough pain and misery in it without me going around and helpin’ it out by hurting myself, and consequently, those that care about me. What I’m trying to get across to you is: Please take care of yourself and those that you love…because that’s what we are here for, that’s all we’ve got, and that is what we can take with us.”

Now here is an interesting ordeal: the Wild Heart serves the same God that Stevie is talking about. I maybe a bit imperfect – actually I am VERY imperfect. But Christ makes me perfect.

Sadly for Vaughn, he passed away August 27th, 1990 in East Troy, Wisconsin in a helicopter crash.

His time may have been short, but he was one that will never be forgotten.

Just thought that was super-interesting to share.